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Die zweite Generation von DJI´s Magic Drohnen, welche im August 2018 veröffentlicht wurden.

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How do you replace the right front arm

How do I replace the right front arm of the Mavic 2 Pro

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Here’s a video on how to replace it:


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That video of for a rear arm, not a front


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This video shows replacement of the left front arm. Make noted on the wiring and how the wires are routed as you remove the right arm. Otherwise the replacement is similar.


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Both of the former videos are of mavic air pro. NOT THE MAVIC AIR 2! It has different screws to release the plate and the bits in the set of ifixit I have are NOT LONG ENOUGH.

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This is a video of MAVIC AIR 2. It is different than the pro and the bits in my ifixit set are not long enough for some of them.


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