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Das größte und teuerste Smartphone, das Apple am 20. September 2019 angekündigt hat, verfügt über ein 6,5" OLED-Display, ein Kamerasystem mit drei Linsen und eine deutlich verbesserte Akkulaufzeit. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone XS Max.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Where is the microphone on iPhone 11 Pro Max?

Where is the microphone on iPhone 11 Pro Max? Is it on the side of the lightning charger hole (bottom) or at the top. (If at top, where someone thinks it is, how does that make sense when you’re on a call, using only the iPhone to speak into, with ear to phone? You mouth is close to the bottom (lightning port charge hole). Thanks!

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The microphone for calls would be located on the bottom left loudspeaker grill. The 2nd microphone for siri is on the proximity sensor flex cable, located right under your ear speaker on top. Finally the 3rd microphone is behind the device near your camera, it's a small tiny hole, used for picking up sounds when you're recording a video. I hope this helped.

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When you have your phone against your ear the proximity detector will engage the camera & speaker mics to cancel the background noise both for your active mic as you are talking as well as the speaker if you are using hands free.


GREAT ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!! (had to have 20 characters to post)


I just ran a check that seems to contradict this answer: I put the iphone 11pro in video recording mode, and tapped first the lower left mic, second the top front mic and third the back mic located with the camera lense cluster. Then listening with earphones I played back the video. The only mic where I could hear the tapping was the first one, bottom left. According to this answer I should have heard the back mic, with the lenses...but no.


RE: Bill's comment -- at least as far as shooting video is concerned, if you use an app like Filmic Pro, you can select which mic you want working (under settings, audio.) You can also select your lens.


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