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A digital camera released by Fujifilm in March of 2012. The model number is HS30EXR.

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Black screen/blank photos after taking a picture.

Hi all. I've had a HS50exr for a while, and I've found a new issue. When I turn the camera on, even in well lit rooms, the screen and the photos seem very very dark, even with suitable settings for the light. But the main problem is, after taking a photograph, when the preview disappears, I return to the normal screen, but it is completely black. I have to adjust the zoom for any kind of picture to appear. It's as if the camera does not sense any light entering the lens until I adjust the zoom. I cant think of a good reason as to why this might happen? any advice? thanks in advance

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Extra note, if I press take a photo when it is showing nothing but black, it does take a photo, but it is completely dark. Also, I recently replaced the batteries, but they are 3rd party. could this effect it? many thanks


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Maybe it's because your shutter speed is too short (for black photos) or it's too long (for washed out photos)? That's my biggest guess

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