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A1418 / EMC 3068 / 2017 / 2,3 GHz Dual-Core i5 Prozessor. Erscheinungsdatum Juni 2017.

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2017 display assembly compatibility.

Is the 2015 lcd assembly compatible with 2k 2017 Imac 21.5 ?

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There are two versions of the 2015 21.5” iMacs the Non-Retina and the Retina 4K display version:

iMac 21.5" LCD Display Panel - Non-Retina - Apple P/N 661-02989 - LG Display: LM215WF3 (SD)(D5)

iMac 21.5" LCD Display Panel - Retina 4K - Apple P/N 661-02990 - LG Display: LM215UH1 (SD)(A1)

Now let’s look at the 2017 versions which likewise have two versions!:

iMac 21.5" LCD Display Panel - Non-Retina - Apple P/N 661-07321

iMac 21.5" LCD Display Panel - Retina 4K - Apple P/N 661-07322 - LG Display: LM215UH (SD)(B1)

From all indications the displays are not compatible either way.

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I just installed a 2015 Non-Retina display on a 2017 Non-Retina imac and it works perfectly!


@pjvcc - The newer version display is a bit brighter.


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