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13,3 Zoll ChromeOS Notebook, hergestellt von Lenovo. Erstmals im Jahr 2016 mit verschiedenen Konfigurationen inklusive Intel Celeron, i5 und i7 Prozessoren veröffentlicht.

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Battery charging on and off every couple of seconds


First let me start by saying that my device is not a Chromebook Thinkpad 13 but a regular Thinkpad 13 but I couldnt find the model.

The issue is that it is charging on and off every couple of seconds. The led also blinks.

I changed the dc/jack flex and I tried with 2 other known good chargers to no avail.

The laptop will not boot with the battery unplugged.

Does anyone have any idea as to how to go about diagnosing the issue ?

I got a multimeter and a curious mind.

Thanks in advance

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Hi @zdaar ,

If the indications are that it is not charging correctly then there may be a problem with the circuits that charge the battery and/or run the laptop when the charger is connected.

To trace this circuit you’ll need access to the schematic for the motherboard as it will be extremely difficult without it. You may be lucky to spot an obviously faulty component on the board but maybe not.

Try searching online for (insert motherboard board number) schematic to see if you get any results.

Here are some ways to maybe check IF the battery is being charged properly or not contrary to indications.

Here’s a link to the hardware maintenance manual for your laptop, taken from this webpage

Scroll to the section Checking the built-in battery and operational charging, on p.29-30 to view the procedure to check the battery pack.

Try using this software -example only and check if you can see what’s happening with the battery when the charger is connected and switched on.

Try using HP’s Diagnostics Custom Scan > customize > battery > Scan selected and follow the prompts, and check the results.

You may have more than one fault i.e. faulty charging circuit and a faulty battery or maybe the battery is now faulty due to a faulty charging circuit.

Have you got the latest power management drivers and BIOS firmware installed? Just a thought.

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