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Das Asus X555LA ist ein preiswertes Laptop, welches im Mai 2015 auf den Markt kam. Es hat den Intel i5 Prozessor und ist als Einsteigermodell konzipiert.

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Upgrade Wifi card on ASUS X555L

I want to upgrade the wifi card that its can be support on 5Ghz WIFI , what model is recommended?

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The following WiFi / BT module is shown in the parts list for an Asus X555LA so at least it should work

It is an Asus 802.11A/B/G/N/AC WLAN+BT4.0+HS module . The part number is 0C011-00110200

If you search online using the part number only in the search term of your browser, you will get results for suppliers of the part.

Hopefully this is of some help.

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thank you so much for the information! ill find out =]


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