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Die zehnte Generation von Samsungs Flaggschiff-Phablet mit seinem S-Pen als Kennzeichen. Erschienen im August 2019.

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Why is my Samsung galaxy note 10+ not charging

Hi everyone I have a galaxy note 10+ and it's only cable charging on one side of the cable. I have replaced the cable and it's still doing the same thing. I had a old note 8 charger and it works both sides of that cable. saying that I charged my note 8 with my note 10 charger and both sides worked In that phone. I'm hoping its the Plug itself has anyone seen this before thanks

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Sean Smyth this is a pretty new phablet and before you tear it down etc. you want to go ahead and contact either the vendor you bought it from or Samsung about getting this fixed under warranty.

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you can try to take a tooth pick and scrap the inside of the charge port to see if thres any debree blocking the connection, aside from that its mostlikely your charge port. You can purchase the port itself which is for any of the note 10 plus or you can buy the charging board but that will have to be model specific to your phone.

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