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Reparaturanleitungen und Support für das Honor 6, ein kostengünstiges Smartphone von Huawei, das erstmal 2014 auf den Markt kam. Es verfügt über ein 5" 1080p Display, einen Octa-Core Prozessor, sowie eine 3GB RAM.

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Broken battery by screwdriver

I tried to replace a battery in my Honor 6 PLUS. When I tried to peel off battery, I see the pink thing with some ?sugar? inside this. That was very stressful, because it’s a Li-ion battery.

Sorry, if my english is bad. It’s not my primary language :-|

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eloskowyGaming the “sugar” is most likely the lithium. The worst is over. since it is already punctured. What you want to do is to now completely remove the battery. Place the battery in a metal container or at least away from moisture and flammable things. Then discard the battery as directed by wherever you reside. When you discard it, it should be dispose of at a household hazardous waste collection point (check with your local landfill) or battery recycling drop off location, NOT placed in the trash

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