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Logic board damage? Can it be repaired?

I really want to fix this 280c duo but the capacitors leaked and i smelled like fish when plugging it in . Also noticed a chipped computer chip. Is it worth recapping? Thanks

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Update (02/01/2020)

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Thanks for the reply! It says its 442 NDS 9435 on it and theres more than one. Is the chip completely damaged? Can it still work? Thank you im sending it to somebody to get it recapped and cleaned.

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@chinopap replace it. It is overheated and fried.


Can i order any of these fairchild type chips? I can find nds 9435 but not one that says 442 nds 9435


Could you please post the value of the smaller (8mm) capacitor behind the serial port (to its right in your photo)? I’m re-capping my 280c, and that one’s markings are smudged. Thanks!


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@chinopap okay so that chip you are referring to is a Fairchild NDS9435 transistor. Simple enough to replace. Next we really would need more information about your logic board. Post a complete picture of it and see if there are any numeric markings on it that w could use to identify it. Clean your board completely with 90%+ isopropyl alcohol. Yes you can submerge it in it. Replace all the caps and then re-evaluate. It all can be done and can be repaired. As always, it may cost you a bit do all off that, and without looking at the economics of it, I’d say go for it. Here is the datasheet for your transistor NDS9435A Single P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor

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