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Windows Vista Boot Error

I am running virtual box and I installed Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit. But after installation, it restarted and it kept saying missing file at location windows/system32/drivers/wdf01000.sys someone pls help cause I want to use vista

Edit: I tried everything. I did system repair, diagnose and everything

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Gewählte Lösung

“It seems that this problem is because the wdf01000.sys file itself has somehow been corrupted.

All you should need to do is obtain a copy of the file from a working install of Vista. It is located

in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers. Just copy it to a CD or USB drive. Boot your computer from

a Windows Vista repair disc or from your Windows Vista Installation DVD. On the second screen

select Repair. Skip the automatic startup repair and click the option to open a command prompt.

Now change your directory to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and rename your wdf01000.sys to

something like wdf01000.old. Now copy the wdf01000.sys file from your CD or USB drive. Exit

the command prompt and reboot the system. You should now be up and running.

NOTE: Make sure the version of Vista you get your file from is the same version. In other

words don't copy the file from a 64bit version to a 32bit version etc.”

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It is helpful, but I don't have any working computers with a CD or DVD drive. Also virtual box doesn't accept USB sticks.


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