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Asus ROG G752V is a 16.85 x 13.14 x 2.08 sized, 9.61 lbs gaming laptop manufactured in 2016.

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Overheating issues charging port stopped working

I have a rog g752 the charging port has stopped working an also had a overheating issue running battlefield one automatic shut down an temps hovering around 93c most of the time i just need a guide on replacing the charging port an also how to replace the paste on the gpu an cpu would love to go it myself but definitely need some support on how too please would love some help

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Here’s a link that shows how to dis-assemble the laptop and refresh the thermal paste etc.

You are fortunate that the DC-In jack is a module type part.

You don’t specify which G752 model laptop you have so here are the DC-In board part numbers for the various models

90NB09Y1-R10050 - G752VL

90NB0D60-R10010 - G752VM

90NB0D70-R10060 - G752VS

90NB09X1-R10050 - G752VT

90NB09V1-R10010 - G752VY

Here’s a link to just one supplier - example only of the DC-In board for a G752VL.

It is only shown to give an idea of the cost of the part and what it looks like. There are others that may suit you better. Search online using the appropriate to your model laptop part number only in the search term of your browser and you will get results for suppliers of the part.

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