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Die 6. Generation des Surface Pro, erschienen im Oktober 2018. Erhältlich in Schwarz und Platin. Modell Nummer: 1796.

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How I can replace the back side of my surface?

how i can replace the back side of my surface ?

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@mmssmmff … you can find a guide on how to fix and or replace the kickstand or hinge here:

Microsoft Surface Pro 6

you can find the part you need here ( says compatible with pro 6) :


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what i need is more than KICKSTAND HINGE . the KICKSTAND HINGE is still working .


where can i find the back side.


Oh ok...so you want an entire housing... From the video it looked like the kickstand was torn off of the hinge. The prior posted site has many parts for tour device. Look there. For the entire housing, youll want to find on ebay or amazon.


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