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A1418 / EMC 2833 / Ende 2015 / 3,1 GHz Core i5 oder 3,3GHz Core i7 Prozessor. Erscheinungsdatum 13. Oktober 2015.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Where can I find replacement glass for this machine?

iMac 16,2 21.5” Emc 2388 to be exact…where do I find replacement glass for this machine? There is surprisingly no info regarding this iMac in particular.

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Are you sure of your EMC number? I can't find any 2388 in the iMac 16,2 listing. It's either EMC 2833 or EMC 2889. Did you transpose the 3 & 8 digits? The EMC 2889 model is the low end non-4K model.


Apple iMac 21.5-Inch "Core i7" 3.3 (4K, Late 2015) Specs

Identifiers: Retina 4K, Late 2015 - BTO/CTO - iMac16,2 - A1418 - 2833



You are indeed right....emc 2833! Sorry, I sure did


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The two displays this series offered:

I don’t know of any supplier who offers the cover glass alone.

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Thanks for your time looking that up! That is quite expensive, and hard to get tho!...I think I’ll put that money into a new Computer.


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