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Der Harman Kardon Onyx Studio 2 ist ein portabler Bluetooth-Lautsprecher von Harman Kardon auf dem Jahr 2015. Er hat die Modellbezeichnung TR00236_B.

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How do I conduct a factory reset?

My HK Onyx Studio 2 has started acting out, suddenly turning on in the middle of the night or turning off without warning for empty battery. How do I do a factory reset? Can only find manuals for later models online. Thanks!

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Here’s the manual for the speaker. (if you can call it a manual that is). It doesn’t mention anything about resetting the speaker

Here’s a link that shows how to reset the speaker, which may not be the same as a factory reset. You can only try.

FYI there is no firmware publicly available for the speaker. If the firmware needs to be reinstalled or upgraded the speaker has to be returned to the manufacturer. Also not too helpful

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