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Eine preisgünstigere Version der Nintendo Switch Spielkonsole als rein tragbare Konsole, mit eingebauten Joy-Con Controllern und etwas kleinerem Bildschirm. Erschienen am 20. September 2019.

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Cracked Screen and Broken LCD in switch lite

Anyone know about how much it would cost to repair a cracked screen and broken LCD on my switch lite?

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I have this problem too and I have $89 I want to know if that is enough.


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If you do it yourself it costs about $60-$70 for the parts off of eBay or Amazon. There are guides here that show you how to tear down and replace them. To get someone else to fix it will cost more.

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Saucy Noe @jakekaufman is absolutely right. You can do it yourself by using these guides Nintendo Switch Lite

Save yourself some money by doing so. Repair is War on Entropy!


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