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Desktop-Trackpad der zweiten Generation, das von Apple am 14. Oktober 2015 veröffentlicht wurde. Modell A1535.

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How is the clicking sound produced from Magic Trackpad 2?

When you connect a Magic Trackpad 2 to MacBook, There is an option in trackpad settings in MacBook that allows for silent click. The intensity of click is still the same, but it is silent. Just blown away by how Apple does this. Has anyone taken apart a Magic Trackpad 2 and seen how this works?

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They use the Taptic engine. When you press the trackpad, it doesn’t actually move or click like a traditional trackpad. The Taptic engine emits a pulse along with the clicking sound I believe. You can watch ifixit’s teardown video to see inside. It starts at 3:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=801l3oz3...

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