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The NutriBullet by the makers of Magic Bullet is a personal blender that is self-contained and simple to use. It includes an electric blender base with a number of attachments for the user and offers a healthy alternative to blending food by breaking down ingredients in their most nutritious states.

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Why aren't the top and bottom wheels locking together?

Both top and bottom male/female wheels supposedly to lock for spinning, aren’t actually locking correctly hence smoke is produced, I would assume due to the friction of an imperfect lock. How to resolve? I’ve tried disassembling from the base but it just seems a hassle of a job considering that I’m not even sure I can find replacement wheels. It seems one of the wheels was consumed by the friction initiated with power on. Help!

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I have the same problem... it's the wheels that do not lock in. any help?


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If your NutriBullet blender is making noise but the blades aren’t spinning, see the NutriBullet Blades Will Not Turn problem page for possible problems and solutions.

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I have the same problem, did you get help?

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