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Modell A1418 / Ende 2013 / 2,7 & 2,9 GHz Core i5 oder 3,1 GHz Core i7 Prozessor

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Display compatibility between iMac

I just got an iMac 21.5" A1418 - Late 2013 (EMC 2638) with a broken screen/LCD and i have laying around a iMac 21.5" A1418 - Late 2012 (EMC 2544) with a good screen and a bad motherboard. And I was planning to use the screen, would anyone know if the displays are compatible?

tl:dr is the EMC 2544 display, compatible on a EMC 2638?


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TheBookYard lists them as compatible to each other! 21.5” iMac LCD Panel & Front Glass Assembly (12/13), Apple P/N’s 661-7109, 661-7513, LG panel ID #’s LM215WF3 (SD)(D1), LM215WF3 (SD)(D3)

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i'll give it a try and let you know, thanks!


Installed display and everything boots ok, image and everything Thanks!


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