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Das 3a gehört zur dritten Generation von Pixel Smartphones, ist eher preisgünstig und hat die gleiche Kamera wie Googles Flaggschiffe. Erhältlich in Schwarz (Just Black), Weiß (Clearly White) und Purpurartig (Purple-ish). Erschienen im Mai 2019.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Anyone near Rhode Island? I can pay to replace screen?

Anyone near the Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut Area that can fix my phone of I either provide the parts or your provide the parts? Will pay??


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@thehehulk92 we normally do not make recommendations about where to get devices fixed. The always turns into a very subjective answer and is really not conducive to what we are trying to do here. I recommend you do an online search for your geographic area for this. We are always willing to help out if you decided to repair it yourself.

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