Backlight to iPhone keeps turning on randomly (raise to wake disabled)

I have an iphone 7 plus, I got it second hand and ever since I have had it (well over a year now) it will constantly have the backlight turning on every 10 seconds while locked. This drains the battery considerably and always gets the phone very hot. IT IS NOT the ‘raise to wake’ feature since this has been disabled the whole time. I have noticed that the only time the backlight remains off is when I am listening to music with a locked phone.

One suggestion was to change the sensor by the ear piece, I have done that and still no change. I have also tried changing the screen multiple times and the battery has been changed. I have also factory reseted the phone more times than I can count.

This problem has bugged me for over a year and there is nothing on the internet that has been any help. If anyone has an idea of suggestion I would be forever grateful.

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