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Eine preisgünstigere Version der Nintendo Switch Spielkonsole als rein tragbare Konsole, mit eingebauten Joy-Con Controllern und etwas kleinerem Bildschirm. Erschienen am 20. September 2019.

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Thermal compound / paste replacement

So I have a switch lite that i completely dissasembled for a housing replacement and I found out that theres two types of thermal stuff inside (thermal putty? and regular thermal paste). I have MX-2 thermal paste but im not sure if i can replace the pink stuff with it. Is is possible?

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ah yes the wad of pink chewing gum


@seizure_salad looks kinda tasty, i honestly wanted to try it


Where is the thermal putty applied?


between the metal shield and heatsink


After removing the metal shield clean the old puddy out and reapply between the heat sink and shield and the lower part of the switch.


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Yes that should work fine make sure you clean the old thermal paste off and reapply.

Just make sure its non conducive.

I use artic

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