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Released Mid 2018. 8th Gen Laptop i5 CPU with 8GB of RAM and a 128GB M.2 SSD.

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How to replace the hdd to ssd?

My model ce0001ne, it comes with 1 tb HDD, I want to replace it with SSD, how ?

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Hi @alimohd ,

Here’s the maintenance and service guide for the laptop, taken from this webpage.

Go to p.63 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the HDD so that it can be replaced with a SSD

Here’s a link to just one supplier of SSDs. It is only to show what SATA SSD are compatible with your model and how much they might cost. There are other suppliers online that may suit you better.

Usually there are instructions that come with the SSD that detail how to transfer the data from your HDD to the SSD

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