PS4 Pro. Disc won't eject, beeps 3 times when hitting eject button

Hey everyone! So I just started having this issue tonight where I hit the eject button on my PS4 Pro and it’ll beep 3 times and not eject the disc, and when I’m on the home screen it won’t let me eject the disk either. I can still run the disk/game perfectly fine though. I’ve updated all my software, ran it in safe mode, unplugged it for a bit, and it still won’t work. I read somewhere that to manually get the disc out you’re supposed to take the circle rubber foot off above the playstation logo and take a screwdriver in the and turn it until the disk comes out. Though I don’t see anywhere in mine where there’s something you can actually screw, so maybe I’m just unaware of something? Any help would be appreciated!

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How to manually eject the disk:

Scroll down for the Pro :)

Regarding the disk drive: First try to eject it manually and try to put the disk in again. It could be the motor or rollers.

You could also try this: slowly accepting and ejecting disc


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