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Repair guides and troubleshooting for the 40in LCD TV with model number LA40R81BD or LA40R81BDX. This television was released in early 2007.

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The tv dosnt respond to the remote control, it boots up to the smart samsung screen then reboots and just keeps doing this ,

If I unplug the wire in the pic numbered 14 that links the 2 pcbs the screen will stay lit but no image on screen so I guess the screen is ok and leds are ok , any ideas would be great fully appreciated

Update (07/29/2020)

Block Image

Pic as described in my post above

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I had this problem and followed Michael Dranfield's Youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ8HSLlO...) which worked brilliantly. The essence is that you use a freeze spray (plumbers or seized thread breaker, not the physiotherapist ones) to cool the NAND chip (IC1302 in my case) to about -35C (according to my IR thermometer). Once this is done, the TV will stay on and the software can be upgraded either via USB (which didn't work for me but I'm not sure why) or over the internet. I don't know why this works but it worked for me. The spray cost 5GBP and the alternative was sending off the motherboard (probably for the same fix) for 45GBP via ebay ads.

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Where did you get the spray from Geoff


Sorry I completely missed this but figured it is still worth answering. I used Motip freezer spray from Amazon - 500ml for GBP8.65. they also do an electronic freezer spray but it costs more for less. Any plumbers pipe freeze spray should work fine. I went with Motip as it was the cheapest I could find.


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@andyspeariett … this is indicative of corrupted software or faulted eeprom. This could also be a bad mainboard in general, but i would start with the software. visit the manufacturers site and download the lastet version of the firmware.


follow the instructions completely and entirely. if the set takes the firmware and continues to show the same symptoms, further troubleshooting is required.

if the set doesnt take the firmware, it could be a bad eeprom that isnt able to be overwritten with any code. you may be successful in replacing this eeprom and flashing the latest firmware after.

if this fails, can troubleshoot further to narrow down the problem. Will require a multimeter and ability to use it.

try the aforementioned solutions first, report back with success or what you have done and we can continue if need be.

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Hi Andrew, have you solved the problem with the TV? I have exactly the same issue as yours.

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andrew speariett wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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