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Eine preisgünstigere Version der Nintendo Switch Spielkonsole als rein tragbare Konsole, mit eingebauten Joy-Con Controllern und etwas kleinerem Bildschirm. Erschienen am 20. September 2019.

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Right bumper is stuck in a pressed position.

The right bumper button, not the trigger - the one above it, is stuck in the pressed position.

  • It doesn’t seem to cause any reaction in the game, so I’m not sure if the contacts are being touched.
  • Bumper doesn’t rebound when pressed, so maybe that mechanism has slipped away or ???

What’s the right way to fix that? Replace the button? Throw this thing I didn’t want my kids to have against the front window of the grandparents that bought it for them?


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I found this fix on youtube, it sounds funny but has actually worked for multiple consoles.

“I fixed mine and it’s been stuck for a month. I basically did CPR on it. I blew along the edges and awkwardly put the entire L button in my mouth then did one big blow. Then inhaled after and it popped back up.”

I know it sounds ridiculous, but this technique worked on my switch lite after the R button had been stuck for months.

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It's not ridiculous at all. It's like using a toilet plunger to pull dents out of a car. Depending on the type and severity of the dent it works. Occam's razor right? Sometimes the simplest (and even silly seeming) solutions are in fact the solutions.


Thank you so much i looked this up and i found this i tryed it and it worked thank you so much i wish you a beautiful life


Wow tysm it actually worked


thank you so much i thought o would have to buy a new one


wow this is hilarious it actually worked!!! 🤣


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Sounds like it already got thrown. :) Either it’s jammed (gunk, whatever) in which case “unstuck” it. Or the plastic button itself is broken, replace. Or the button module is broken, re-solder or replace. Or the the pcb around the button module is broken, dead. The shoulder buttons on the switch cons are poorly, cheaply designed. Good luck.

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Could be that the spring is stuck/snapped. Should just take the back off and remove the trigger assembly, then see if the spring is there/moving.

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Try getting canned air and spray some in the Gap between the it and the device.

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You might just have to get new controllers because even if you try it fix it it will get worse so might be better to get new controllers.

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