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Apples 2016 Überarbeitung, ihres auf professionelle Benutzer ausgelegten Laptop Lineups. Es ist ausgestattet mit einem 15 Zoll 2880 x1800 Retina Display, einem quad-core Intel Core i7, mit 256GB / 512GB / 1TB / 2TB Speicherplatzoptionen, 16 GB RAM Arbeitsspeicher und einer Tastatur mit einer Touch Bar. Es erschien im November 2016. Modell: A1707.

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Bottom panel of case bulging out

I was working on my macbook and suddenly I heard a pop. When I looked at my macbook, i saw that at the side, the bottom panel was bulging out. The screw are still holding it together though. See the image below. I tried pushing it back but it just popped out again after a couple of minutes.

Block Image

So I’ve got a couple of questions

  • What are possible causes for this?
  • Can I continue using the macbook untill it’s fixed?

If there’s more information needed, let me know.

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Gewählte Lösung

Replace your swollen battery ASAP, here’s how:

MacBook Pro (15 Zoll, Ende 2016, Touch Bar) Akku tauschen

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Do not try pushing it back in! It is very likely one of the embedded battery cells has expanded. Discontinue using the machine and get the battery removed at a repair facility as soon as possible (an expanding battery poses a serious danger - it can damage the computer, release chemicals into the air, or cause a thermal event to occur).

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