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The Canon EOS Rebel T2i is a continuation of Canon's entry-level line of DSLR cameras, the Rebel series. The Rebel T2i is also known as the 550D and the Kiss X4.

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Where can I buy a battery charger?

Where can I purchase a battery & charger for my Cannon EOS T2i camera?

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Hi lynnlawson1313

for batteries, I would still recommended to get original batteries from canon authorized as the capacity and safety is there.

Beware of some knockoff batteries which may be too good to be true. I had a knock off / compatible batteries which the shop has given me when i buy the camera. Unfortunately the battery quality is not reliable as it and after some time it bloat.

for charger, you can try sourcing at ebay, etc for second hand, which i guess is alright if they are original and working well.

Mine is 700D and IIRC they use the same battery pack LP-E8

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