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The Honda Fit, also marketed as the Honda Jazz, is a five-door, front-engine, front-wheel drive B-segment subcompact car manufactured and marketed by Honda since 2001 and now in its third generation. Marketed worldwide and manufactured at ten plants in eight countries, sales reached almost 5 million by mid-2013.

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Why my Honda fit stalled and failed to start

My Honda fit hybrid 2012 stalled on the highway suddenly, tried to start but would try to crank but sounded how a car would sound without fuel, I checked all dashboard lights and found that all were working except oil and battery. We did diagnosis but couldn't get any code,we have checked fuses and sensors and all are ok,the gear lever is stuck at parking, the plugs are not giving any Sparks. Have been advised bo change the computer.i need advice before changing the computer.

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It sounds like you ran out of gas. If there is something wrong, like you said the plugs are not sparking, there should be a check engine light and the EDU certainly should be storing some codes. You said you couldn’t get any code. Are you experienced with a code reader? I’d take it to somebody with a professional code reader before I’d change a computer. Know what’s wrong before changing parts willy nilly.

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Mis typed ECU not EDU


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anthony mutua wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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