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Die Apple Watch Series 1 ist eine Überarbeitung der ursprünglichen Apple Watch, sie wurde am 7. September 2016 angekündigt. Die meisten Teile sind die gleichen wie bei der Series 2

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Apple Watch Series 1 won't power on

My Series 1 won’t power on after sitting in a box for several months. It just cycles between the flashing Apple logo. The 2-button hold for 10-second solution produces no change. Apple asks $224 to fix a 4-year old watch that can’t use the current and future software. Any ideas other than buying a new one?

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Well, it won’t do anything off the charing puck. When on the puck, it cycles between the white apple logo and a blank screen (and gets warm). It never goes beyond that on the puck, and does nothing off the charger.

I can try the refrigerator trick but not sure if it is a battery issue.

Any other ideas welcome!

thank you



I'm dealing with this right now. I've received 3 batteries from iFixit and all have been defective. The voltages have been way too low (2.2V to 2.4V) to accept a charge or boot the watch. It should be closer to 3.7V-3.8V at rest even when fully depleted. I have a thread going here (Apple Watch S1, Still have a boot loop after battery replacement) and over at macrumors (https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/ser...)


I replaced the battery with this one purchased from Amazon and it it's back to normal! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T5B...


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Could you provide more details about the case? Are you trying to power it on without charging, or the charging process couldn’t be started? If it is only about charging then your battery is probably dead and should be replaced.

Therefore, you can still use your device with about 50% of battery capacity. To charge it properly after long period of time you need more than 3.3 V on Li-Po battery. If it is less the charging will never start. To overcome this situation you need to rise up the voltage of battery by cooling it (place wrapped in paper towel in zip-bag in refrigerator for 2 hours - do not try to turn on your watch but charge it ASAP).

I hope it is the case.

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