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It no longer connects to any computer

I cleaned my keyboard and it stopped connecting to any computer. It first started by lagging, then it stopped working entirely. I attempted it on two different MacBooks, and it won’t connect.

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It’s always best to clean a keyboard with a microfiber cloth and spray a solution onto the microfiber cloth and not directly on the keyboard. It’s best to use a cleaning product made for electronic components to clean your devices. There is not too much context in your question, so could it possibly be that you sprayed the keyboard directly with the cleaning solution? If so this could possibly be the problem. It’s possible you’ve cleaned the keyboard the same way before, but eventually this could cause liquid damage.

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Anybody know if this keyboard can be repaired if cleaning fluid damaged it?

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Use a hair dryer or heat gun on the keys while trying to pry open using kitchen knives or pallet knives on both sides trying to avoid going through the keys where the flex cable is situated (see pictures) you may risk to break it or cut through it

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grodriguezjr wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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