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Device repair and troubleshooting for HP Pavilion 14" laptop computers.

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Wifi cannot detect other wifi networks- RESOLVED

Hi, i have an HP 14-n024tx. The problem is it can detect other wifi networks but it cannot detect wifi networks at our home. As you can see on the picture, my other computer can detect and connect to the PLDTMyDSLBiz79030 network while my HP laptop can't even detect it. What could be the problem? Thanks!

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Hi @ricknel023 ,

Has it worked OK before on the home network?

What frequency is the PLDTMyDSLBiz79030 network, 2.4GHz or 5GHz?

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Hi, i just tried swapping another wlan card from another HP netbook and it worked. Both 2.4 and 5ghz wifi networks can be detected. Thanks!


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