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The Canon Powershot A590 IS is an 8 megapixel digital point-and-shoot camera with a 4x optical zoom and a 2.5 inch LCD screen.

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SD Memory Card maximum

What is the maximum size SD memory card the Canon PowerShot A580 IS will accept?

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According to the User Manual your camera accepts SD memory card/SDHC memory card/MMC Card/MMCplus card/HC MMC plus card. This means you could probably use a 32GB card. I do believe that most people do not go higher than 8GB to prevent read/write errors and buffer overflow etc.

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My 590 is keeps saying memory card error and won't do anythinng what is the problem?


Hi brianshackelford607,

Have you tried a different SD Card?

Try using a card reader connected to a PC to verify if your SD Card is still OK or if there is a problem with the camera


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