TV and monitor giving "no signal" when I connect them at the same time

I tried connecting my tv and my monitor to the pc at the same time i bought another hdmi cable and one splitter for it. After I connect them both at the same time both of them are giving me "no signal" error after they show picture for a few seconds on pc boot-up. I tried connecting only tv to my pc and it works perfectly fine, i tried connecting monitor alone too,same result. I tried switching their places on switcher and nothing happens and also i tried connecting both of them (not at the same time ) via switcher and everything worked perfectly well. I tried updating my graphic drivers but that doesnt help either.

PC specs:

Intel Pentium g4560 3.5ghz

nVidia GeForce GTX 1050 2gb

8gb ram

240gb ssd

1tb hdd

I'm using Fox smart tv,4k resolution and benq 21.5'' inch monitor.

Any help would be appriciated.

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2 Kommentare:

fastgaming031 what OS are you using? Do both monitors show the BIOS screen or Splash screen? They stop getting signal once it boots into the OS?


I'm using windows 10 pro, yes they both show i guess bios screen ( first screen you see when you turn on your pc ) and yes they lose signal after that screen


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