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KitchenAids Artisan Serie 4,5 l Küchenmaschine mit Neigekopf Modell KSM150PSER. Alle Modelle, bei denen die Typenbezeichnung mit KSM150PS beginnt, sind gleich, die Endbuchstaben geben nur die Farbe an.

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Wire whisk stuck on

The wire whisk is stuck on the rotator shaft. I’ve turned it up and to the left but it’s not coming off. Also not sure if the rotator should be moving but it does in its planetary way while trying to remove it.

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If the planetary is moving something has probably failed inside the gearing mechanism. You should be able to grip the drive shaft with needle nose pliers and remove the whisk easily. Keep in mind that it has to slide upwards slightly to disengage from the “bayonet pin” on the drive shaft though. Make sure you unplug at outlet before attempting!

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Thank you. I think i need to return it then as its only a week old and the rotary keeps moving as I try and remove it. thank you.


Actually, I had put some vegetable oil on it with a tip and still couldn't get it off but I managed to do it with the pliers so maybe i don't need to send it back....thank you.


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