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Die Sony PS5 wurde im November 2020 veröffentlicht und hat viel bessere Graphikleistungen und einen innovativen neuen DualSense Controller. Das neue Farbschema hat was von Weltraum und ist eine bemerkenswerte Abkehr von den alten Designs der PlayStation.

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DualSense Ribbon-Cable: Can I replace it?

Hello guys,

unfortunately i need to replace one of the ribbon-cables in the Dualsense-Controller. Its the one that connects the Vibration motors wirh the mainboard. Any Idea if i can use a different one? Or is this some special Sony thing?

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards


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I had to replace mine too, I was able to use a 16-pin 0.5mm ribbon cable (this would be 8.5mm wide) that was from an old laptop display until i could get a new one. You will need to be careful though, I tried some I ordered online and it didn’t even power on. I think the laptop one worked because it’s a directional cable and specified which end should go to the motherboard and monitor (or in this case the trigger assembly).

Edit: For the ribbon cable I ordered I believe it was A type, but I think B type would be more likely to work.

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I ripped my L2/L1 Ribbon cable on my ps5 controller during disassembly. anyway i can buy a new cable and what size is it? Or is it repairable. the cable is sheared in half.


If you search for a 16-pin 0.5mm B type cable on amazon or newegg it should come up. Here is one you can try: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S1BNYTS/ref...

I haven't tested this one but if it can be used to carry a laptop display it should work for the trigger assembly. You may have to fold it a bit to fit in the controller. If it doesn't work i'd suggest looking for a cable with higher tolerances (i.e. max voltage, ampage, etc.), b-type, and 16 pins at 8.5mm wide.


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Yeah those are extremly hard do find, Found a guy in Germany selling them

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Hi Andreas , I had the same problem, then I found these guys in the Netherlands.


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recently I got some from these guys in China. I got them in 10 days.



Does this company have a good reputation? Do they sell a ribbon cable for the PS5 controller touchpad? I have tried to find one on Amazon but am unsure which one is correct.


Since Andreas's post in 2020 these parts are more widely available now; and you can find them now on eBay and Amazon.


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