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How does this keyboard detect my hand?

The Logitech MX Keys keyboard has a feature that will light the backlit keys when your hand is in proximity to it.

I can’t see any sensors and wondering if it’s some kind of magnetic field detection?

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Harrison Davies  the MX Keys keyboard uses two proximity sensors. One is a proximity sensor that uses a magnetic field to turn on the backlighting and number two is a ambient light sensor, which adjusts the brightness to match the ambient light

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Thank you very much.


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To anyone curious, there is a brown wire which wraps along the edges of the keyboard and attaches to the board using a screw labeled “PROXY” near the power switch.

Block Image

Avoid taking this keyboard apart, as the whole backside is not only glued, but tampering with the wire in the slightest confuses the device which will cause the backlight to keep coming on and off constantly with no hands present nearby. I had no choice as I opened it up to clean out a spill, ideally it would need to be recalibrated, but good luck with that.

I love this keyboard, but the lack of an always-on backlight mode despite countless customer complaints and Logitech acknowledging the issue is just disappointing. The constant misfiring of the backlight drove me crazy as well so I just ended up disconnecting the wire, it still lights up but only while typing.

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This keyboard is plagued by backlight loop issue, this is my second keyboard and problem came back after few weeks. Many others have same problem and only disconnecting proximity sensor help as there is no way to disable it in software.


To get rid of the spontaneous looping of the backlight, you just need to add a 50 - 100 Ohm resistor to the brown wire break. So you lower the sensitivity of the electromagnetic sensor and cut off parasitic interference on the sensor, which make it turn on the backlight


My kb doesn't recognize ambient light at all. Just proximity of my hand and movement of the kb. If the kb is on my belly, the backlight turns on when I breathe. If I don't breathe, the light stays off. The backlight turns on also if I move the desk without being near the kb, or if I hit the surface of the desk.


This did not work for me. Added the 100R resistor and it stills keep lighting up periodically even when I'm far from the keyboard.


I saw a video where someone removed the brown wire and insulated the metal from the reset of the board. Does this completely deactivate the sensor, i.e. also deactivate its magnetic field?


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Ugh, no joke! When I purchased this, I loved the feel. And figured the software wouldn't be super high-end, but do what I needed. For the most part it does, except for this annoying lack of options throughout! Though to stay on topic, I have never had a backlit keyboard (besides Apple's built-in models on the laptops) that do not allow any backlight adjustment! The proximity sensor stuff looks cool, but with a feature such as that, it NEEDS options. Give us 5, 10, 30 mins, an hour, whatever, and the option to keep it on. For creators when doing a video shoot, it's nice to be able to control every lighting aspect, and this one piece is sorely lacking...

GREAT feeling keyboard, and if they listen to these improvements, could make it punch that much higher with some minor programming changes to allow tweak-ability.

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Not sure if it is helpful, but you can turn off the backlight by holding "fn" key and tapping "f6" a few times.


To get rid of the spontaneous looping of the backlight, you just need to add a 50 - 100 Ohm resistor to the brown wire break. So you lower the sensitivity of the electromagnetic sensor and cut off parasitic interference on the sensor, which make it turn on the backlight


If you want to keep the keyboard lit constantly, you must plug in the charging cable and leave it plugged in. Unplug it if you don't want the backlight anymore. Defeats the whole wireless thing and is probably not good for the batteries, but it's the only way I found to keep the keys backlight constantly.


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Does any one know where is the light sensor on the keyboard? I think if I can cover it with opaque tape I can keep the board back-lit at all times at the sim of your choice. I can live with the proximity one if it turns off while I am not active.

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It is a small area just behind the "del" key (top-right). I covered mine with black electrical tape. My keyboard sits just in front of my monitor, so the monitor light was interfering with the light sensor.


Does the key pull/pop off? Does covering it keep the light on?


can you elaborate more please @qpjames


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I would like to lower the LEDs brightness beyond the lowest setting. Does anyone know if I can also just solder a resistor somewhere to achieve that?

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I believe the brightness is digitally controlled, so that's not possible. If you solder a resistor somewhere, let's say, the brightness regulation output, it would affect all brightness settings at least.


@ jeffo moreira, yes the LED brighness is digitally controlled, but the proximity sensor is analogue, so adding a resistor reduces the signal picked up by the sense wire.


you need to re-program micro processor to increase default settings


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