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My laptop is not turning on

My laptop is not turning on, when I try to on it just keypad light is turning on and fan is starting and then everything goes of in 2 seconds.

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My laptop powers off after running less then a minute. I don't hear no noise from fan. I think it might be overheating.


@Matthew Neddeau

Have you tried what @jayeff and @dancomptia suggest below? You don't say.


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Does it do this with the charger connected and switched on, you didn’t say?

Try a power refresh and check if it starts OK.

Disconnect the charger if connected.

Remove the battery from the laptop.

Press and hold the laptop Power button for a full 30 seconds and then release it.

Reinsert the battery.

Reconnect and switch on the charger and turn on the laptop and check if it starts OK

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If the laptop turns on and then shuts down after 2 seconds, it may be caused by a dying battery, overheating, faulty RAM, the motherboard, or the CPU. According to the Lenovo ThinkPad P50’s documentation, only the battery and RAM modules are replaceable.

Begin by ruling out the battery. Remove it, wait an hour for it to cool off, reinstall it, and check your system. Then, remove it again and try running the laptop without the battery installed.

If it still shuts down unexpectedly, try replacing the RAM. Your PC supports 2133MHz DDR4 SO-DIMM RAM modules, specifically.

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whats the name og the damaged part
Where can I buy it online?

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praneethchowdary580 wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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