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Das Huawei Honor 10 ist ein Android Smartphone, welches 2018 auf den Markt kam. Es ist ausgestattet mit einem 5,84" FHD Display, 4 GB RAM, einer 24 + 16 MP Doppelsensorkamera und 24 MP Frontkamera, einem Fingerabdrucksensor und einem USB-C Anschluss.

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Where is the WiFi and GPS antenna located?

After replacing a water damaged screen, every component seems to work fine except for WiFi and GPS.

WiFi works only if I am 1 meter away from the WiFi router, which seems really odd. As soon as I move a bit away it disappears.

GPS seems really unreliable and inaccurate, not useful to navigate in traffic.

I would like to know where the components are located in this phone to replace them.

Thank you!

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Im searching for this too it was solved im gettin horrible gps signal after tech repair


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Hi @dansanher ,

I don’t know about the GPS antenna but here’s a composite image taken from Steps10 and 12 of the ifixit Huawei Honor 10 Display tauschen guide, showing the location of both ends of the WiFi antenna where it is plugged into the boards.

Check that the cable is securely connected at both ends

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

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Hi Jayeff!

Thanks a lot for your answer.

I’m a self-taught family phones fixer, hahaha, I knew that was an Antenna but I thought it was the Network and not the WiFi Antenna, or perhaps it is both?

I will try and reconnect it and see if it improves.




GSM antennas (example only) are different ;-)


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