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KitchenAids Artisan Serie 4,5 l Küchenmaschine mit Neigekopf Modell KSM150PSER. Alle Modelle, bei denen die Typenbezeichnung mit KSM150PS beginnt, sind gleich, die Endbuchstaben geben nur die Farbe an.

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Power head movement while mixing dough

the power head seems to move slightly where it attaches to the base (neck area) while operating mixing dough. Basically is loose where the swivel pin is.

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what the !&&* is this . I am looking for an answer


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Make sure the lever on the right side of the machine is pulled all the way forward, locking it in place.

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It is somewhat loose at the neck where the power head joins the base. If I remove the large pin that the head rotates on, will the head come off to determine the problem.


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tom lenfestey wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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