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Veröffentlicht am 26. Oktober 2018. Modelle A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108. Erhältlich als GSM oder CDMA / eSIM, Nano-SIM oder Dual-SIM / 64, 128 oder 256 GB / Schwarz, Weiß, Blau, Gelb, Koralle oder Rot. (Ausgesprochen "iPhone 10 R.")

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iPhone keeps going into dfu mode after restore

Hi there, I’m having trouble with an iPhone, Its the XR, When you connect it to iTunes/3U tools the phone is recognized by both as being in DFU mode, When you click on restore/update the phone begins to restore, when its completed and reboots it goes straight back into DFU mode, I have tried to take it out of DFU mode with no joy, I’m hoping someone has come across this before. Thanks.

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Does the phone came in contact with liqiud ? If not try to connect your iphone to Itunes or 3U Tools with a disconnected cam and screen, only connected to your logic board is dock connector and battery and then do the update/restore. After the update/restore you can connect the screen, camera etc one by one so you know where the fault is.

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Thank you for your reply, I have had a look inside the phone and it does not look like it has any liquid damage, I will try what you said and let you know.


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/am facing the same problem any solutions?

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