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Das Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 ist je nach Features unter verschiedenen Modellnamen bekannt. Reguläres Modell: SM-T580 (WiFi), SM-T585 (3G,4G/LTE und WiFi) veröffentlicht im Mai 2016 oder das S-Pen Modell: SM-P580 (WiFi), SM-P585 (3G,4G/LTE und WiFi), im September 2016 veröffentlicht. Es ist ein 10,1" Tablet der neuen High-End "A" Serie von Samsung Electronics.

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My Bluetooth is skipping.

My samsung Tab A 2018 Sm-T595. Bluetooth is skipping.

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Can you explain what you mean by skipping?

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1 Antwort

Bluetooth speakers also have bluetooth technologies, and often are not as up to date as the BT hardware on our devices from the past few years. This means that although your phone/tablet may have the capable BT range, the speaker may not be able to establish a great connection if the tablet is too far away or there may be walls or other objects that disrupt the signal.

That's my best

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skycop15 wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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