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2,2 GHz (Turbo Boost bis zu 3,4 GHz), 2,5 GHz (Turbo Boost bis zu 3,7 GHz) oder 2,8 GHz (Turbo Boost bis zu 4,0 GHz) quad-core Intel Core i7 Prozessor mit 6 MB geteiltem L3 Cache.

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Why is it so dark... won't boot sometimes... intermittent SCARY

Strange, and a little like halloween.

Here is how the story goes: Went out of town, important things to do on MacBook pro. 15” . Turned it on, one chime… that wasn’t quite the same as usual, and a DARK screen… nothing!

Called the refurbished guys I purchased from and they lead me through different combos of holding multiple keys down, twisting (lightly) on the screen. Shining a light through the apple… Nothing worked. I tried it intermittently over the next monthISH. Nothing. I was set up to send it back in… then it started working again. This happened 2 times at that location about 6 months apart. I just figured my MacBook didn’t like the location (I KNOW!!! stop laughing)

Time went by, all was well… then the other day I was scanning a bunch of stuff, and I heard the chime…. then looked and the screen was black. Same thing again only in the middle of working, (the other times were from start up) Tried restarting NOPE. x 3 NOPE. THEN: I unplugged printer from usb, unplugged external ssd IT WORKED.

Still scary to be without my MacBook long enough to send it in.

Is there a (reliable… not seat of the pants as I describe above) way to come out of this dark scary place the next time this happens.

(my version of the cute little tv series EUREKA… is too stressful)

UPDATE: Per Dan’s suggestion - Battery Health 2 app was on the app store so I used it. Looks like coconut battery was replaced by something that got bad reviews so I went for the likable one.

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This sounds like a weak battery!

Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen


PS: my mac book is a model that apple was having battery trouble with but I haven't gotten it replaced. It has never given me a problem. (I haven't burst into flames)

Thanks for the suggestion Dan, let me know what you think!

More things - I forgot to mention in my first post on this: It was plugged in at the time if I remember correctly and not set for auto update.


Hi Dan, I looked for "coconut battery" on the app store. Couldn't find it.

It looks like it had been replaced with something that got bad reviews.

I have trained myself to get apps only from the app store, and have only done that 3 or 4 times. I stay away from most non apple apps & use "Utilities" when I can.

Sorry, I don't click on links much, but I tried to take your suggestion as best I could. Just couldn't find it and used what was reviewed well.

Attempting to upgrade OS to at least catalina. Just muddling through.

Thank you for your responses. It takes me awhile!


@nan_c - This is an old app that is very safe!

The one on the App store is a fake! Someone stole the name and tried to copy the original and they couldn't! I've posted report after report to Apple and they still have not pulled it!

This is the original! CoconutBattery and I've been using it for over 20 years! And I know Chris as well.

For many the App Store is a safe place, but the last five or so years the lack of monitoring and culling bad apps has left a wasteland of junk (in some cases way over priced) which you end up getting stuck with.


I don't download apps so for me that is safe. Less is usually more. Thanks for the validation on my avoidance of apps!

Yes, regarding the fake, maybe that was your comment I read ... definitely didn't go for it. I will get rid of the one I downloaded now.

It won't be an issue once I send MacBook in for repair.

I still wonder however if that is the cause of the initial problem... a black screen.

no response after a partial chime. (when plugged in & fully charged)

Maybe a monitor cable???

What is it that you look for when suspecting a bad battery?

Here is the info "about this Mac" / System Report / Power

Manufacturer: DP

Device Name: bq20z451

Pack Lot Code: 0

PCB Lot Code: 0

Firmware Version: 702

Hardware Revision: 1

Cell Revision: 3241

Charge Information:

Charge Remaining (mAh): 7473

Fully Charged: Yes

Charging: No

Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 7811

Health Information:

Cycle Count: 209

Condition: Normal

Battery Installed: Yes

Amperage (mA): -1034

Voltage (mV): 12605


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@nan_c - Why did you switch to Battery Health 2 I wanted you to stick with the better CoconutBattery as it a better app.

If your system is on the recall list I would make the effort to get the battery replaced ASAP as you don't want a surprise!

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Yes! Plan to do that. Getting the mac mini going so I can ship the MacBook Pro.

It seems like the battery wouldn't be the cause of it shutting down, if it was connected to power at the time .. ? maybe. ?


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