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Dies ist die kleinere kostengünstigere Version von Samsung zehntem Galaxy Flaggschiff-Smartphone, das im Februar 2019 auf den Markt kam. Es wird mit Android 9.0 (Pie) geliefert.

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Can I reset the S10e screen glue

Just noticed the screen bowed on my wife’s Samsung S10e. It appears to be failed glue along just the right side. We’ve paid $35/month for over 2 years for insurance, but Verizon’s carrier wants to replace the phone, at a $230 deductible! This after $900+ in premiums.

Isn’t there a way to reset the glue and save both cash and hassle?

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Ok. No reply here? Verizon is pushing for me to file a claim.

Meanwhile my wife’s phone works but is questionable.


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Gewählte Lösung

You can get the Galaxy S10e Display Adhesive here, but you will probably need to replace the screen as well.

Samsung Galaxy S10e Replacement Display+Adhesive(Fix Kit)

Samsung Galaxy S10e Screen Replacement Guide

Replace a screen compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S10e smartphone. 5.8 inch Dynamic AMOLED 1080 x 2280 pixel Display. Bild


Galaxy S10e Screen


This custom cut adhesive film secures the front panel and display to the frame of a Samsung Galaxy S10e smartphone. Models G970W, G970F/DS, G970U. Bild


Galaxy S10e Display Adhesive


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