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Vierte Generation des iPad 4s mit CDMA. Verfügbar in 16, 32, oder 64 GB Versionen. Modelllnummer A1460.

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ipad 4 shutting down or restarting every 3 minutes

so i have this ipad 4 and the problem is, at first it died from overuse, drained battery, i decided to try and shock the battery with a power supply and it powered on, but the problem is, i accidentally broke the flex that connects to the main board and the gsm or cdma board. but the ipad still powers on but it restarts or shutdown every 3 minutes. i ordered battery online and tried replacing the battery but still the same. it restarts and most of the times, shutdowns on 3 minutes. could the broken flex be the one that was causing the shutdown or restarting?

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It’s hard to say with 100% certainty, but I doubt it.

I’m pretty it would just cause certain reception functions not to work.

I would highly reccomend to back up, update, and or restore before continuing your physical investigation.

Rule out software, then parts, then motherboad in that order is the way to go from my experience.

If yoy already did that, then look into the batttery connector, solder connextion, and near by components for damage. A bad connection on the battery data lines will cause it to turn off on it’s on after a few minutes

Let us know how you do with the update and or restore.

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