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Dokumentation und Anleitungen für die Reparatur des am 22. September 2017 veröffentlichten iPhone 8. Modellnummern A1863, A1905.

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Does replacing the battery cause fake "glitches"?

I’ve seen that replacing the battery on newer iPhones causes fake “glitches” to occur. Does this issue also happen on the iPhone 8?

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Standard battery Replacements will be fine.

On the XS upwards, a new battery will give an indication on the screen that there isn't a genuine battery used, and the battery health is not available.

In that case, you need an IRP outlet to replace, or swap the small board within the battery to the replacement by spot welding, and then a small reader to reset the charge cycles.

All iPhones prior to the Xs will be fine. But as most things, you get what you pay for. The £6 “genuine” battery, avoid.

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My experience shows no, I replaced the battery in my 8 with an iFixit one about a year ago and haven’t had any issues with messages popping up, locking out the battery health tab, or other problems. Just be sure to get a battery from a reputable source and you should be good to go!

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