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Compact digital camera with built-in flash with 10.0 Megapixel, 10x Optical Zoom and Image Stabilizer System. Disassembling requires the use of certain equipment.

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Camera Memory card error

I have an Imagemate SanDisk 64 GB . Camera is showing memory card error and flash will not fire. How can I fix this? I have tried different card with smaller GB, to no avail.

Sincerely, LuWanna

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well i do know this camera will not accept 64gb sd card (I have one) the most is 32gb are you using a adapter for micro sd? I had the same problem and what fixed it was using a different adapter try another sd card if you have one under 64gb

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Thank you so much! I did not know this and I will go to a 32gb. Yes I am using an adapter. Oh MY Gosh!!! I just found one in my desk :) Now my camera works, I have not been able to use my camera for well over a year now. I had a problem with batteries not working and discovered that there is also a CR1220 that goes in it. Then it was the SD card. My camera has always been an extension of my arm, I love it so much! Thank you again!

Sincerely, LuWanna

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luwannass wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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