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Die Xbox One X (Modell 1787) ist die neueste leistungsstarke Spielekonsole von Microsoft, die die Xbox One S ablöst. Die Xbox One X wurde am 7. November 2017 veröffentlicht.

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Graphics memory DDR5 defective

Hello everyone.

On my Xbox one X I have one or more defective DDR5 memories.

I have no graphic errors in the menu or in the apps.

Also in games such as Biomutant, Crash Bandicoot 4 I have no graphics errors.

But when I start forza horizon 4 I already have graphics errors in the menu. Wrong colors etc.

A defective DDR5 RAM is being accessed.

My question is there a way to find out which ram is defective?

Wouldn't like to swap all 12.

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Just replace all 12. Modern consoles are designed to PREVENT testing of the RAM chips once it leaves the factory, this is for software security.

You can test the chips one by one, however the extra labor time is not worth it, also reheating the board 12 times creates more problems than it solves.

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If you want to find the defective one, its a good idea to remove ram and boot back up until the error is resolved. The first one to appear defective will be your defective one. Obviously keep going to make sure there arent multiple modules defective. Hopefully this helps. :)

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