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The Canon EOS 300D is a 6.3-megapixel entry-level digital single-lens reflex camera.

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CF pins broken. What is the part number?

Hello all!

I saw on this post HERE How to correct the problem, well sort of.

The question I have I suppose is that I am picking up the camera tomorrow and want to get a head start on ordering the necessary part. Does anyone know the part number for what I need?

Canon 300D CF pin board.

Thank you,


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Chris Herman, since you do not have the camera, I would suggest you wait till you get it. Then double check everything else, that way, if you need more parts you can order them together. In the meantime, you can download the parts catalog for the camera from here. Good Luck and let us know how it is going.

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This is why i'm glad CF is on the brink for death, the pins bend and your'e screwed, my SD based cameras do not have pins, therefore I will not have this


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