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Unveiled at the 1290 New York International Auto Show in 2004, the Xterra was redesigned for 2005 on the Nissan F-Alpha platform used by the Frontier, entering showrooms April 2004 for the 2005 model year.

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fan motor not working

blower motor not working

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I'm assuming you've checked any fuses for climate control or AC system? If so, there are a few things that could be causing this. The selector switch for the fan isn't working anymore, the blower resistor is bad, or the blower motor is bad. Check to see if you're getting voltage to the blower resistor from the switch. If not, the switch has failed and needs replaced. If it is, turn it off and remove the resistor to inspect. Ones I've seen fail have very obvious signs of overheating or burning. I don't personally know how to test resistors but I've never seen one fail that didn't show damage. If it looks fine, and is getting voltage from the switch, then it is on to the blower. Do a continuity check across the motor windings. If that is good then from each terminal to the If across the windings you get OL, then the motor is bad. I would say check to see if it is shorted but it grounds in the metal housing so no way to test that. Try spinning the blower by hand, also. It should spin easily and freely, no grinding, no wobbling. If it grinds, squeals, or wobbles, replace it. If it doesn't spin, replace it. For your vehicle you're looking at ~$30 for the resistor, or $30 for the blower motor assembly.

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@brandon_k since @perch13 did not give us a lot of information about what year etc., the Xterra is do you think this video could be helpful?


@oldturkey03 oh absolutely! Thats a great video showing how to remove the motor and where the blower resistor is! Honestly I wish my blower motor was that easy to remove. But yes thats a very helpful video.


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