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The HP Envy dv7t-7200 is a notebook complete with a touch pad as part of the Envy dv7 series, released on the market in 2012.

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Is my laptop screen diseased? It has the ICSVID virus.

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My laptop is not working. The display is 75% gray on the left and 25% white on the right and it has lines, cracks and it also has 3 black spots on the right side of the screen. Do I have the Internally Cracked Screen Virus Disease (ICSVID) virus and does it mean the display is diseased? I know a new replacement screen can cure the virus.

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Yes, your laptop screen has a terminal case of ICSVID. I would recommend you quarantine the device and keep it away from other laptops to help slow the spread of ICSVID to your other devices.

(In all seriousness, you’re right, you are going to need to replace the LCD to get that laptop back to life.)

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LOL! That’s based on the coronavirus! Funny answer!


External monitor is to mask and replacement screen is to vaccine/cure


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